Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Ways to Fix "Excel Cannot Complete this Task with Available Resources" Error

There are several users who have reported one or more of the errors you can see below while working on Microsoft Excel. However, these errors can be quite genetic, they do not always identify the real causes behind the issue. But if there is a spreadsheet that contain a large amount of macros, formulas and data then it is quite possible that your system is running out of resource while processing it. In most of the cases, it has been found that restarting all the instance of excel workbooks may resolve the issue soon.

Error you can notice similar to the above issue:

  • Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications OR Out of Memory
  • Not enough System Resources to Display Completely
  • There isn’t enough memory to complete this action. Try using less data or closing other applications. To increase memory availability, consider:
  • Adding memory to your device
  • Using a 64-bit version of Microsoft Excel.
However, to solve the above errors, you can go through the below instructions. Following these steps will surely help you fix Excel cannot complete this task with available resources error.

Manual Solution To Solve Excel cannot complete this task with available resources error:

Manual Solution 1: Clear Temporary Data:

  • At first, you can clear al the temporary data to solve this issue. To do so, clear all the excel sheets but before that backup all the sheets you were working on.
  • Now press Windows key + R and then in the run dialogue box, simply copy and paste the below-given paths:
  • Now Click OK. After doing so, a folder will open. Now Select and Delete all files and folders in there.
  • You can repeat the process for all the paths mentioned below:
  •      %temp%
  •      C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\XLSTART” (For 32 bit versions
  •      C:\Users\Username\Local\Microsoft\FORMS
  •      C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\XLSTART” (For 64 bit version)

Manual Solution 2: Free Up CPU Resources:

It is very important to make sure that your sheet is not exceeding the limits defined by Microsoft. This can be checked with the below link:

If your sheet has crossed the data limit then you will be required to break down your excel sheets into individual workbooks. However, if you are working on a large spreadsheet with several formulas and data even under the limits and you are using multiple applications at the same time. If it is so then it may be possible that your Microsoft Excel is running out of memory.

If it is, then you are required to close any other program that you are running except the Excels’ spreadsheet you are working on. Now press and hold Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager. Here, you can see your excel sheet with its name in the Application tab under Tasks and other application that are currently running. Right click on every other program excluding the excel sheet you are working on and then simply click End Task.

Manual Solution 3: Turning Off Detail Pane and Preview Pane:

You can also try this solution to fix Excel cannot complete this task with available resources error. For this, you have to hold Window Key + R and type excel and press Enter in the Run Dialogue box.

Now hold Ctrl key and press O. Now in the open window, click on the Organize button in the upper left corner and then click on Layout.
After this, uncheck the details and preview pane.
Now simply try and open the Excel sheet to see if it works.

Manual Solution 4: Uninstall Unwanted Programs:

Most if the time it happens that other programs are conflict with Office programs. Such programs are actually the one that adds themselves to the add-ons. To avoid this, you can Windows Key + R and in the run window, you can type the appwiz.cpl in order to open Program and Features and then press Enter.


You can try these four above-mentioned manual solutions to fix Excel cannot complete this task with available resources error. These manual solutions are very easy to apply and these can be effectively used for fixing this issue with an ease. These steps are very easy to apply such that even a non-technical person can also try such steps. 

Click Here To Know More: Resolve Excel Error: "Excel Cannot Complete This Task With Available Resources"


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